Invensys has RECENTLY introduced a new cyber security assessment service designed to help its customers understand the risks that might impact the safety and reliability of their operations.

Forming part of a security best practice program, the service is designed to help ensure critical infrastructure protection and compliance with corporate, industry and/or government mandates.

Performed on-site, the control system assessment provides a baseline of the user’s current security position, and can be used as the starting point to develop a strategy to meet the challenges of reducing and managing security risks. The assessment includes:

  • Site and system assessment: A site review and system-specific vulnerabilities. The results of the assessment are provided in a conclusive report highlighting critical assets, vulnerabilities and risks.
  • Compliance assessment: Invensys addresses compliance status by reviewing operations and processes against required corporate compliance standards.
  • Establish security baseline: A security baseline allows customers to gauge progress against current status and operating models for security.