Tended, an award-winning deep-tech startup that develops solutions to transform occupational safety, has launched a new revolutionary safety culture change platform. Using this solution, organisations are now able to unlock powerful insights into their unique safety culture, enabling them to identify areas for improvement, make sustainable changes and create a positive, safer employee experience, all from one single platform.

The solution works by gathering anonymous employee feedback using science-backed surveys to provide insights into the true perceptions and influences behind unsafe behaviours. This data is then measured against a 30-point maturity matrix to provide clear insights into an organisation’s safety culture and where to focus safety interventions. Tended’s solution goes beyond simply providing a climate survey. It identifies the underlying cultural influences that drive unsafe behaviours and provides personalised recommendations and resources on how to drive sustainable changes. Tended also gives a comparable measure to an organisation’s existing safety management statistics to provide a full picture of their health and safety.

In addition to delivering scientifically driven, customised suggestions about how to improve safety culture directly to managers, Tended also offers leadership development in the form of a localised library. An online Leadership Development Hub comprises an array of microlearning content, courses, guides, and training materials, all backed by behavioural science. With easy-to-access content, leaders can draw on the tools they need to make safety improvements, while also contributing to their CPD.

Together, these two approaches help contribute towards a larger and more sustainable overall improvement for organisations. Changes and improvements can be tracked over time through the platform, enabling leaders to validate new initiatives and track the progress of their safety interventions.

Tended’s CEO and founder, Leo Scott Smith, said: “Our mission is to make the world a safer place with technology that empowers, inspires and saves lives. Safety culture improvements have been proven to lead to an 82% reduction in accidents, however interventions such as training and processes only go so far to improve safety.

By using behavioural science techniques, our new Safety Culture solution enables companies to uncover and understand the underlying influences of unsafe actions and provides the resources to help them make safety culture improvements that drive safe behaviours. Ultimately promoting a safer workplace and positive employee experience.”